When you decide to set up a company under Italian Law you need to understand which kind of company is more suitable with your business purpose.
Our Italian corporate lawyers will spend time trying to understand your business purpose and to recommend the most appropriate corporate solution to meet your instructions.
Once decided which is the right company to set up (such as a S.r.l. or a S.p.A.), our lawyers will start focusing on the governance of the new entity and, according to the clients’ instructions, they will start preparing the paperwork needed for the incorporation. Under Italian Law, a company usually needs to be incorporated at the presence of a Public Notary. We use to liaise with the Notary and take care to have all the corporate documents in place for the public deed. Once the deed is done, then there are a number of post incorporation activities to be carried out to make the company compliant under Italian Law (opening of a VAT position; getting a PEC and a bank account), the company must be registered with the Register of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce of the place where the company has elected its registered office.
Our lawyers and accountants will work to render this setting up as smooth as possible and will liaise with all the Authorities for the compulsory communications about the newco.
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